Tuesday 1 October 2013

2-week shopping ban is officially O-V-E-R!

I'm so happy to announce that my 2-week shopping ban challenge is finally O-V-E-R!  If you don't know what I'm talking about and want to catch up on the why, what and how, you can click here and here.

In the end, apart from breaking my rules to buy a few tops; I have done really well in the beauty departments.  No unnecessary purchase!

I'm so pleased that I'm finally done with this challenge and I can resume to my normal self by venturing out more to the exciting beauty world in Hong Kong.  I also cannot wait to share more with you guys in due course.

However, since the challenge, I have felt the benefits of it which is - I got to use up more in my beauty stash so I have picked one particular item that I am going to not buy anymore until 31 December 2013 - this is mascara.  I have way too many of them and if I continue to add anymore to my collection, there's going to be one thing happen - wastage!  I'll report on this and probably going to do some more in depth reviews on my mascaras on how I think they perform.

Meanwhile, please continue to support my blog and spread the words.  I am so grateful for all of you who have visited my blog since it's started in April, I cannot believe that I have been writing blogs for half a year now and I have enjoyed this experience immensely.  I look forward to bringing you more exciting new discoveries on this side of the world, and sharing with you some product reviews.

Have a lovely day everyone, wherever you may be.

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